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Tiny Baby Sessions

Tiny baby sessions work best when the little one is under a month old. That said - this little guy is almost three months old here and he handled like a champ. The biggest reason you want to photograph newborns when they are super new is because its easier to get the shots - they just sleep and lie about. When they are a little older - they become very aware and easily unsettled. About style - I am not into props and accessories - I love a candid, documentary style baby shoot. I’ve learnt a few tricks over the years. A warm room goes a long way; and extra time is a must because these little ones can’t be rushed and mom needs to know she can feed and burp and change and do whatever else baby needs. I love the shots we did of the nursery for baby Conrad - photographed here. His mum has an eye for design and decor and it was important to capture the love she’d poured out in preparing for him.